Zoya Lopata Dixon / Owner, Artist

A native Chicagoan and second generation Ukrainian-American, Zoya went to Occidental College in Los Angeles (B.A., Psychology) followed by the Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago (B.A., Interior Design). She studied abroad in Paris, France, and has also lived in Orange County, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico. An early interest in urban planning allowed her to research, publish, and present her work at international conferences in Turkey, Germany, and Sweden, while working for nearly a decade in downtown advocacy nonprofits. Currently, she is pursuing her passion for the arts by running her own small art studio and collaborating with her brother Sam. She also enjoys coaching and playing tennis, and spending time with her husband, their 8 year old daughter Rosie, miniature doodle puppy Butters, and several chickens.

Sam Lopata / Artist

Sam Lopata is a visual artist and builder. Born and raised in Chicago, he learned all things construction and spent his free time rabble rousing in the urban jungle, finding inspiration and a creative outlet on the colorfully graffitied brick walls, often next to the equally vibrant freight trains. 

He relocated to the sunny shores of Los Angeles where he now lives and works; managing a small creative construction crew he still finds time to make art. 

His current collaboration with his sister Zoya Dixon is a meditative process with a hint of the grit from his hometown - drawing on his background as a graffiti artist. Using markers and spray paint (familiar tools for mark making) he uses text to create an undulating pattern … where the word become incoherent. 

When he’s not making art, you can find him climbing mountains. Together, Zoya and Sam are known as SEEKUS

Kateryna Shyshlenko / Photographer & Digital Marketing Manager

Kateryna hails from Kharkiv, Ukraine, but has lived on the Central Coast for several years. Katya holds a degree in Architecture (2016, Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture), and also runs her own small craft studio, @caliloveclay. Katya manages marketing and the website for Zoya Dixon Arts, and also does social media marketing for the Templeton Tennis Ranch. She is also an avid photographer; you can find her work at @kateshyphotography. When she’s not making marketing plans, editing videos, and snapping pics, she enjoys spending time with her friends and exploring the wilds of California.